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International Conference on Environmental Remote Sensing and GIS (ICERS)

This post is also available in: Hrvatski (Croatian)

The University of Zagreb – Faculty of Geodesy is organizing the International Conference of Environmental Remote Sensing and GIS (ICERS) on July 11 and 12, 2024. The international conference will be held in the National and University Library, Hrvatske bratske zajednice 4, Zagreb. 

Conference topics are: 

  • Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring 
  • GIS for Sustainable Development 
  • Disaster Management and Response 
  • Conservation and Biodiversity 
  • Innovations in spatial data-acquiring technologies 
  • Multicriteria decision-making and GIS 
  • Climate Change mitigation politics 
  • Data interoperability 
  • Artificial intelligence and big data 

We invite all those interested to participate by
presenting their research or as a conference participant. 

You can find more information in the document attached to this news or via the link: 

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