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University postgraduate doctoral study of geodesy and geoinformatics
The Faculty of Geodesy of the University of Zagreb organizes and conducts the University postgraduate doctoral study of geodesy and geoinformatics in the field of technical sciences, scientific field of geodesy, and conducts the procedure for obtaining the academic degree of doctor of science in this field.
The postgraduate doctoral study is held through scientific research and teaching, and is organized according to the ECTS credit system, which is based on the following principles:
- for the degree of Doctor of Science it is necessary to acquire at least 480 ECTS credits during higher education;
- upon completion of the doctoral study and defense of the doctoral thesis, at least 180 ECTS credits are acquired;
- on the basis of attending classes and taking exams, a maximum of 20% of ECTS credits are achieved in doctoral studies;
- research work brings about 80% of ECTS credits, based on public presentations of seminar papers, published scientific papers, presentations of papers at domestic and foreign scientific conferences and other activities, and the preparation and defense of a doctoral thesis.
Upon completion of the study, the title or degree of Doctor of Science (PhD) in the field of technical sciences, field of geodesy is acquired.
The postgraduate doctoral study lasts three years (six semesters) and ends with the preparation and defense of a doctoral thesis.
In the first semester, participants enroll in 2 of the offered 3 courses (20 ECTS) and one project-seminar of their choice (10 ECTS) – a total of 30 ECTS credits.
In the second semester, participants enroll in 2 projects-workshops of their choice – a total of 30 ECTS credits. As part of the project-workshop, participants should publicly, in front of teachers and doctoral students, as well as other interested parties, present the given topic. By the end of the second semester, participants should select and submit a doctoral thesis topic.
Beginning of the study program consisting of research work of students in the field of doctoral work and other compulsory and elective activities. These activities are confirmed by the mentor by entering in the index, with the corresponding ECTS credits. During the third semester, participants are required to approach the Public Defense of the topic of the doctoral thesis (10 ECTS credits).
During the remaining three semesters, students should collect ECTS credits by completing compulsory and elective activities:
- original scientific article in an internationally referenced scientific journal (directly related to the topic of the doctoral thesis),
- presentation of a paper at an international scientific conference abroad published in the conference proceedings (directly related to the topic of the doctoral thesis),
- presentation at an international doctoral seminar in the field of geodesy and geoinformatics,
- preparation and defense of a doctoral thesis (100 ECTS).
University doctoral studies are conducted in accordance with the Ordinance on doctoral studies of the University of Zagreb (2016) and the Ordinance on university postgraduate doctoral studies at the Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb (2019). All procedures related to the application and approval of the topic of the doctoral thesis, as well as its preparation, evaluation and defense are regulated by university forms that can be found on the website of the Doctoral Studies of the University of Zagreb.
For all other information, please contact Assoc. Prof. Ivan Razumović, PhD.
Semester | Activity | ECTS |
I* | 2 Subject
1 Project – seminar |
10 |
II | 2 Project – workshops | 30 |
III** | Research work | 30 |
IV*** | Research work | 30 |
V** | Research work | 30 |
VI*** | Final preparation of the doctoral thesis | 30 |
In total | 180 |
* In the first semester instead of 2 courses and 1 Project – seminar, 3 courses can be enrolled, which is a total of 30 ECTS credits.
** In the third and fifth semester, the student achieves 3 out of 30 ECTS credits per semester by publicly presenting the results of projects and research that he / she has realized in the previous ac. yr. during the week of teaching in the first semester of PDS-a.
** In the fourth semester, the student achieves 6 out of 30 ECTS credits by participating and presenting his / her own research at the International Doctoral Seminar of the Faculty of Geodesy.
*** In the sixth semester, a student earns 10 out of 30 ECTS credits by publishing or accepting for publication at least one internationally peer-reviewed scientific paper, thematically related to doctoral research (in which he is the first author), in accordance with Article 8 paragraph 4 of the Postgraduate Regulations doctoral study of geodesy and geoinformatics of the Faculty of Geodesy.
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